Part 1: Intelligent Systems
Part 2: Dark Dragon and Sword of Light
Part 3: Fire Emblem Gaiden
Part 4: Mystery of the Emblem
Part 5: Genealogy of the Holy War
Part 6: Thracia 776
Part 7: Sword of Seals
Part 8: Blazing Sword
Part 9: Fire Emblem Tradition
Part 10: BS, The Anime, The Card Game, and the Future
The Fire Emblem series has been a part of Nintendo's lineup for over a decade now, and while the games all have widely varying storylines that are considered among the best plots in the game industry, there are a number of similarities that tie the games together. Many of these traditions date back to Dark Dragon and Sword of Light, but those that started later usually started with Genealogy of the Holy War. Blazing Sword continued the Fire Emblem tradition in many ways, and below you can see some of the more popular traditions that have continuted throughout the Fire Emblem series.
- Anna the Save Girl: The girl who appears when you want to save your game actually has a name, Anna, and she has been a staple of the Fire Emblem series since the beginning.
- Beginning Bandits: Fire Emblem games always begin with bandits attacking. Sometimes they are called pirates or barbarians, but they are all pretty much the same.
- Blue Lords: Usually the main characters, or Lords, have blue hair. Leaf from Thracia 776 first broke this tradition with his flowing red hair, as did Roy and Eliwood in the Game Boy Advance games. However, Roy and Eliwood both wore blue clothing to honor their roots, and Hector and Lyn, the two other Lords in Blazing Sword, both had blue hair.
- Dragons: Dragons are a staple of the Fire Emblem series, and are many times featured in the game's logo. Every Fire Emblem game so far has included dragons to some extent beginning with the first game that featured the dark dragon Medeus.
- Enemy Dragon Knights: Every Fire Emblem game features dragon knights that are almost always fighting for your opponent. There is usually a quiet, serious female dragon knight and Blazing Sword features Vaida in this role. Sometimes, as in the case of Vaida, you can even convince some dragon knights to join your army.
- The Introverted Knight: A knight, in addition to the social knights that will be mentioned later, joins your party, and he is usually pretty quiet. This tradition began with Roddy in Mystery of the Emblem, and continues with Lowen in Blazing Sword.
- Jeigan Character: Named after Marth's mentor from Dark Dragon and Sword of Light the Jeigan character is a character given to you near the beginning of the game who has already been promoted and is vastly more powerful than the rest of your characters. However, his slow stat gains will eventually lead to this character being passed up by the other characters. You need to learn to use your Jeigan character sparingly since although he can lay waste to an entire map of enemies he does so at the expense of your other characters' progress. Eliwood's guard Marcus is the Jeigan character in Blazing Sword.
- Navarre Clone: This tradition is named after the powerful swordsman from the first Fire Emblem. Each Fire Emblem since has included one very powerful swordsman who can lay waste to legions of enemies. The Fire Emblem that reached the U.S. featured Karel as the Navarre Clone.
- Pale-Haired Character: A character with pale hair is an integral part of the story in Fire Emblem games starting with Genealogy of the Holy War's Diadora. In Blazing Sword Ninian and Nils are the pale-haired characters with a connection to the plot.
- The Pegasus Sisters: They aren't always sisters, but these pegasus knights are usually goody-two-shoes and can get pretty annoying. This tradition began in the first Fire Emblem with Est, Katua, and Paola and continues with Falina, Fiora, and Florina in Blazing Sword.
- The Powerful Gato: Starting with the original Fire Emblem you would usually receive a very powerful character close to the end of the game. Named after Gato from the first Fire Emblem the tradition is followed by Athos in Fire Emblem for Game Boy Advance.
- Social Knights: Every Fire Emblem game starts with two knights in your army referred to as social knights. Thracia 776 had axe fighters instead of knights, but they still had the same features as the social knights. There is one green and one red social knight, and usually the red knight is stronger while the green knight is faster and livelier. The roles are reversed with Ken and Sain in Blazing Sword, but they are still considered social knights.
- Sucky Leader Syndrome: The Lords, or main characters in the game, almost always suck as fighters in Fire Emblem games, and you need to take extra care to keep them alive. Genealogy was the first Fire Emblem game to break this tradition as Sigurd and Selis are perfectly capable of handling themselves. Blazing Sword doesn't necessarily follow this tradition, but sometimes Eliwood and Lyn need a little extra protection. Hector certainly does not follow this tradition, however.
- Woman Swordfighter: Genealogy of the Holy War started the tradition of a popular woman swordfighter with Ayra. Kara and Lyn, even though she is a Lord, are the popular woman swordfighters in Blazing Sword.